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Anisoptera Spp

وقت:2014-01-16   الكاتب:guoma

Latin name:Anisoptera Spp Family:Dipterocarpaceae Genus:Anisoptera Sp


Latin name:Anisoptera Spp
Genus:Anisoptera Spp
Name used in other Countries :Garawa/Mersawapaya/Kaunghmu/Krabak
Origin:Papua New Guinea /Malaysia/Burma/Thailand

Characteristics:It's very rare and precious ,mostly used in high grade floor ,Buddha image and jeweries,ect. As the grain is very beautiful ,it has got the name “Holy wood” from Brazil.Matt wood . Texture crossed slightly and distributed homogeneously . Medium height、hardness and strength.Good performance on processing, smooth plane surface. Containing silica ,can make knife tool blunt. Good effect for lacquer、glue and polishing . Low anti-corrosion .Dry procedure is slow . Air-dry density is approximately 0.6g/CM3.

على:Intsia spp التالي:RM0002
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